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- Amesbury: Amesbury Public Library
- Ashburnham: Stevens Memorial Library
- Concord: Adjutant Generals Office
- Concord: Concord Free Public Library
- East Longmeadow: Birchland Park Middle School
- East Longmeadow: East Longmeadow Public Library
- Foxborough: Boyden Library
- Georgetown: Georgetown Middle High School
- Great Barrington: American Institute for Economic Research
- Great Barrington: Mason Library
- Groveland: Bagnall School
- Hatfield: Hatfield Public Library
- Hopkinton: Hopkinton Public Library
- Lincoln: Lincoln Public Library
- Medway: Medway High School
- Orange: Wheeler Memorial Library
- Princeton: Princeton Public Library
- Southampton: Edwards Public Library
- Stoughton: Dr. Robert G. O'Donnell Middle School
- Townsend: Hawthorne Brook Middle School
- Townsend: Townsend Public Library
- Tyngsborough: Greater Lowell Technical High School
- Tyngsborough: Tyngsborough Public Library
- West Boylston: Beaman Memorial Public Library
- Westminster: Forbush Memorial Library
- Weymouth: Weymouth Public Libraries
- Wilmington: ITT Technical Institute - Boston North
- Winchendon: Beals Memorial Library
- Woburn: Woburn Public Library

Crafts to-go from our local library!
Libby, Age 4

Summer Reading is perfect for our four-legged friends too!
Bones, Age Unknown
I’ve had a great time reading some awesome books this summer!
Reading to Bonnie, the Service Dog
Flora, Age 8

Sophia, Age 5

I'm Learning How to Train My Puppy!
Lola, Age 9 months

Dad reading to the girls
Adriana and Violet, Age 3 and 2
I love the Summer Reading Program!!! I read my first chapter book this summer :)
I read every day of the challenge! The incentives are great motivation :)
The summer program motivated me to make the time to read for 15 minutes every day.
My sister and I always got very competitive but in the best way possible when the summer reading challenge began every summer. We would check out 20 books and once we got home we would read them on the sofa or on the dock. Once summer was over, Tyngsboro Public Library would host an ice cream social for everyone who participated. It was an event that brought parents and kids together and I remember clearly talking to other kids about their favorite books that they read over the summer. Doing this summer reading challenge again even though I'm older isn't just about the challenge but I truly enjoy reading and the experience that comes along with it - feeling like you know these characters personally and relating to them. The librarians at the Tyngsboro Library has always given me and my family good book recommendations since I was young and that definitely helped me get more into reading.
It has been such a delight to see all these wonderful programs coming together both inside and outside the library!

This is the Libby app, which is what I used to read and join in on the reading!
Jenneh, Age 12

I love the outdoor Storytimes!
Beckett, Age 5

I loved the fun chalk art events!
Christian, Age 8

Reading on vacation!
Jessie, Age 39
The Concord Free Public Library now has two endangered baby Blanding's turtles, Juan and Vlad, who live in a tank in the Children’s Library. Vlad and Juan are part of Zoo New England's Headstarting program, in which endangered turtle hatchlings are raised in captivity for a year or two to give them an advantage to surviving into adulthood. By giving children an up-close chance to interact with these special turtles, we hope to inspire curiosity and activism in these young people and show them how their efforts to care for these animals can impact the species.
The Concord Free Public Library's Bike for Books program allows library patrons to bike to the library ten times and earn an ice cream certificate to Bedford Farms. 185 people have participated in the program to date, ranging in age from toddlers, kids, tweens, teens, adults and senior citizens. It has been so successful it will continue through the new school year! Thanks to the Friends of the CFPL for sponsoring this program.

“I loved trying so many new books this summer!”
Connor, Age 7

I love being able to read stories to my siblings that make them laugh.
Caden, Age 13
I attended webinars with Dietitian Jill (Save at the Supermarket & Eat This, Not That), and I've been eating a much healthier diet. It's been pretty easy with the tips Jill shared with us. I'm really proud of my progress, and I've lost 14 pounds over the summer. And for my mental health, I've enjoyed a summer of reading my favorite series of mystery novels, enjoying the adventures of amateur sleuths. I've accessed the ILL system so I could read them in the order they were published, and can follow the ongoing relationships and growth of the characters from one book to the next. It's been a great summer!

A painting made at the Art on the Rocks Teen Paint Party
Amelia, Age 13

Trevor "the games man" being his usual delightfully goofy self!
Jocelyn, Age Adult

I learned about sharks at the Wilmington library!